
Mural Feixen


drumroll please

We'd like to present a mural created with the one and only Studio Feixen. This time we decided to play with intense colors, 3D elements and the aesthetics of road signs.

"This work actually began with a personal examination of street signs. At that time I was in driving school. To be honest, I had to realise that I didn't understand many signs at all, they were just nice shapes for me. While experimenting with this visual language, I noticed how beautiful and direct the language of street signs actually is when you strip it of its meaning. And in the following I have tried to communicate this feeling of lustful naivety I felt while looking at them. As a viewer, you can now look at these signs again as if you were looking at street signs for the first time. Without meaning and content. And yet, of course, they have content. However, the viewer makes the content himself when trying to assign the various signs to a meaning. Is that water? Or this one, is that a ship? And here is that an onion bulb or a plant or a rock or could this one maybe a worm? But why should there be a worm? Nobody knows that for sure." – says the author, , Felix Pfäffli.